Saturday, July 18, 2009

Topography Toolbox reaches 1,000 downloads on the ESRI website

I tend to do a lot of GIS/mapping for work. As part of my job I've put together several models using ArcGIS Model Builder, and I've posted the resulting tools on the ESRI ArcScripts webpage Right before leaving on the Tahoe Rim Trail one of my tools, the Topography Toolbox hit 1,000 dowloads making it the fourth most popular geoprocessing model on that website. The Topography Toolbox can be used to derive maps of topographic variables, such as topographic position index, slope position classification, landform classification, topographic wetness index, and stream gradient. I've also got a couple of other tools: composite polygons, PRISM data helper, quarter polygons, plus I'm working on a Riparian Topography Toolbox that will contain tools for calculating height above river and flood height.

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